Implied By Design LLC. is the parent company of BuildAModule, and is owned and operated by me, Chris Shattuck.
Please contact me if you need anything or have any questions.
For many years before BuildAModule, Implied By Design was chiefly my one-man Idaho-based web design and development firm. I worked with many small organizations, building web sites and designing logos and promotional materials. I built my own content management system (CMS) for managing client sites, but eventually standardized on Drupal.
Implied By Design supported our family from 2003 through 2010, at which time I was able to switch to working full time on BuildAModule.
There are numerous people I want to thank for supporting me in my early days of learning.
Ondine and Francesca at Big Sur Local Color art gallery, who hired me for my first gig ever. I was so nervous. Thank you for giving me a chance.
Troy Taylor, who was the first person to hire me after our move to Idaho, and who hired me for numerous projects through the years. Troy was always super encouraging and appreciative and was a good mentor.
The folks at the Emmett Chamber of Commerce hired me for numerous interesting projects and brought me in even though I was the new guy.
Chad Jones, who generously hired me to build several sites and taught me some very important lessons that still inform my decisions today. "You should always have at least 3 reasons for doing anything" and "Monetization needs to be part of the plan from the beginning" were a couple good ones. Chad also turned me on to Drupal, which dramatically altered the direction of my work.
Valerie Lawrence, who hired me for several projects and also give me much encouragement early on.
Development Seed, who hired me for some of the most enjoyable work I ever did as a contractor: writing documentation for a Drupal distribution called Managing News, and which allowed me to transition more smoothly into focusing on BuildAModule.
The folks at Aten Design Group, Justin Toupin and Jon Clark in particular, who demonstrated that it's possible to run a successful web shop without also being crazy.
I am still very grateful for the wide variety of other folks I got to work with during my time as a web contractor. I saw lots of ways people approached running businesses, some inspiring, some cautionary. I learned about ways of making a living in this world that I don't think I would have ever run into otherwise.
Someday I may find my way back to contracting. I have other skills now that have greater relevance and value, but this site exists as a placeholder and reminder that web work wasn't a bad gig, and there would be honor in returning to it eventually if the need arose.